Rajasthan Vidyut Vibhag Informatics Assistant Exam Pattern RVUNL Informatics Assistant 2022 syllabus JVVNL Informatics Assistant Exam Pattern RVUNL RVPNL AVVNL JDVVNL IA Syllabus Rajasthan Vidyut Vibhag Informatics Assistant Syllabus 2022
Rajasthan Vidyut Vibhag Informatics Assistant Selection Process
- Computer Based Online Written Test
- Preparation Final Merit
RVUNL RVPNL AVVNL JDVVNL Informatics Assistant Exam Pattern
JVVNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus 2022 Topic Wise
Part A – Rvunl Informatics Assistant Syllabus 2022 Professional Knowledge |
- Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Major development in the field of Information Technology.
- Overview of the Computer System including input-output devices, pointing devices, and scanner.
- Introduction to Operating System, Word Processing (MS-Word), Spread Sheet Software (MS-Excel), Presentation Software (MS Power Point), DBMS Software (MA-Access).
- Representation of Data (Digital versus Analog, Number System – Decimal, Binary & Hexadecimal), Introduction to Data Processing, Concepts of files and its types.
- Introduction of Internet Technology and Protocol. LAN, MAN, WAN, Search Service/ Engines. Introduction to online & offline messaging. World Wide Web Browsers, Web publishing, Creation & maintenance of Websites, HTML, Interactivity Tools, Multimedia and Graphics, Voice Mail and Video Conferencing, Introduction to e-Commerce
- Security, Protecting Computer Systems from viruses & malicious attacks, Introduction to Firewalls and its utility, Backup & Restoring data.
- Algorithms for Problem Solving, Introduction to C Language, Principles and Programming Techniques, Introduction of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) concept, Introduction to “Integrated Development Environment” and its advantages.
RVUNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus for Reasoning & Mental Ability |
- Clocks
- Similarities
- Analytical Reasoning
- Discrimination
- Arithmetical Number Series
- Semantic Analogy
- Letter series
- Problem Solving
- Number series
- Symbolic/ Number Classification
- Visual Memory
- Relationship Concepts
- Figural Classification
- Venn diagrams
- Coding-Decoding
- Space Visualization
- Odd man out
- Non-Verbal Test
- Shapes and Mirror
RVPNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus for General Knowledge & Every Day Science |
- National & International importance
- Civics
- Persons & Places in recent news
- Science, Indian History
- Indian Polity
- Current Events:
- Issues of State (Rajasthan)
- Geography
- Games & Sport
Rajasthan GK Syllabus 2021
- राजस्थान के इतिहास की महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक घटनाएं।
- राजस्थान की प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था राजयपाल, राज्य विधान सभा, उच्च न्यायालय, राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग, जिला प्रशासन, राज्य
- मानवाधिकार आयोग, राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग, लोकायुक्त, राज्य सुचना आयोग, लोक नीति।
- सामाजिक- सांस्कृतिक मुद्दे। स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन, जान-जागरण एवं राजनैतिक एकीकरण।
- लोक कलाऐं, चित्रकलाऐं और हस्तशिल्प एवं स्थापत्य।
- मेले, त्यौहार, लोकसंगीत एवं लोकनृत्य।
- राजस्थानी संस्कृति एवं विरासत, साहित्य।
- राजस्थान के धार्मिक आंदोलन, संत एवं लोकदेवता।
- महत्वपूर्ण पार्टन स्थल।
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व।
Indian GK Syllabus 2021
- भारतीय संविधान, राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एवं शासन प्रणाली, संवैधानिक विकास।
- भारत की भौगोलिक विशेषताएं, पर्यावरणीय एवं पारिस्थितिकी परिवर्तन एवं इनके प्रभाव।
- समसामयिक राष्ट्रीय घटनाएं।
- प्राचीन एवं मध्यकालीन भारत के इतिहास की प्रमुख विशेषताएं एवं महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक (18वी शताव्दी के मध्य से वर्तमान तक) घटनाएं।
Note- All the above mentioned topics will asked in exam with special reference to Rajasthan |
JDVVNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus for Mathematics |
- Average
- Height and Distance
- Chain Rule
- Permutation and Combination
- Surds and Indices
- Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M.
- Simplification
- Volume and Surface Area
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Races and Games
- Time and Distance
- Time and Work
- Compound Interest
- Allegation or Mixture
- Decimal Fraction
- Probability
- Banker & Discount
- Pipes and Cistern
- Numbers
- Ratio and Proportion
- Boats and Streams
- Logarithm
- Partnership
- Stocks and Share
- Area
- Simple Interest
- Problems on Ages
RVUNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus for General English |
- One Word Substitution
- English Proficiency
- Inappropriate usages of words
- Rearrangements of words in a sentence
- Antonyms
- Spelling Mistakes
- Sentences and Formation
- Idioms & Phrases
- English Comprehension
- Paragraph formation
- Sentence Completion
- Analogies
- Synonyms
- Spotting error
- Fill in the blanks
- Common Error
- Cloze Test
- Sentence Improvement
RVUNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus for General Hindi |
दिए गए शब्दों की संधि एवं शब्दों का संधि विच्छेद
उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय-इनके संयोग से शब्द-संरचना तथा शब्दों से उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय को पृथक करना, इनकी पहचान।
समस्त (सामाजिक) पद की रचना करना, समस्त (सामाजिक) पद का विग्रह करना
शब्द युग्मो का अर्थ भेद
पर्यायवाची शब्द एवं विलोम शब्दों
शब्द शुद्धि – दिए गये अशुद्ध शब्दों को शुद्ध करना
वाक्य शुद्धि – वर्तनी सम्वन्धी अशुद्धियों को छोड़कर वाक्य संबंधी अन्य व्याकरणीय अशुद्धियों का शुद्धिकरण
वाक्यांश के लिए एक उपयुक्त शब्द
पारिभाषिक शब्दावली – प्रशासन से सम्वन्धित अंग्रेजी शब्दों के समकक्ष हिंदी शब्द
मुहावरे एवं लोकोत्तिया
- Phase – IIQualifying Typing Speed Test on Computer :
(a) Hindi Typing 15 Minutes
(b) English Typing 15 Minutes
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on RVUNL Informatics Assistant Syllabus 2022
Question- Can I download RVUNL Informatics Assistant question paper?
Answer- Yes, you can download RVUNL Account Officers question paper in Hindi and English.
Question- Will RVUNL Informatics Assistant previous year question paper be good for practice?
Answer- Yes, It will be good for you to practice as RVUNL re-ask questions as it is.