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UPSC CSE Odia Literature Syllabus 2021

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UPSC CSE Odia Syllabus for Paper-I, UPSC CSE Odia Literature Syllabus for Paper-II
UPSC CSE Odia Literature Syllabus for Paper-I

Section A 

History of Odia Language
(i) Origin and development of Odia Language—Influence of Austric, Dravidian, Perso—
Arabic and English on Odia Language.
(ii) Phonetics and Phonemics : Vowels, Consonants Principles of changes in Odia sounds.
(iii) Morphology : Morphemes (free, bound compound and complex), derivational and
inflectional affixes, case inflection, conjugation of verb.
(iv) Syntax : Kinds of sentences and their trans-formation, structure of sentences.
(v) Semantics—Different types of change in meaning. Euphemism.
(vi) Common errors in spellings, grammatical uses and construction of sentences.
(vii) Regional variations in Odia Language (Western, Southern and Northern Odia) and
Dialects (Bhatri and Desia).

Section B

History of Odia Literature
(i) Historical backgrounds (social, cultural and political) of Odia Literature of different
(ii) Ancient epics, ornate kavyas and padavalis.
(iii) Typical structural forms of Odia Literature (Koili, Chautisa, Poi, Chaupadi, Champu).
(iv) Modern trends in poetry, drama short story, novel essay and literary criticism.

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UPSC CSE Odia Literature Syllabus for Paper-II

Section A: Poetry

  • Ancient
    1. Sãralã Dãs—Shanti Parva from Mahãbhãrata.
    2. Jaganãth Dãs—Bhãgabata, XI Skadhã—Jadu Avadhuta Sambãda.
  • Medieval
    3. Dinakrushna Dãs—Raskallola—(Chhãndas—16 & 34)
    4. Upendra Bhanja—Lãvanyabati (Chhãndas—1 & 2).
  • Modern
    5. Rãdhãnath Rãy—Chandrabhãgã.
    6. Mãyãdhar Mänasinha—Jeevan—Chitã.
    7. Sãtchidananda Routray—Kabitã—1962.
    8. Ramãkãnta Ratha—Saptama Ritu.


  • Drama :
    9. Manoranjan Dãs—Kätha-Ghoda.
    10. Bijay Mishra—Tata Niranjanä.
  • Novel :
    11. Fakir Mohan Senãpati—Chhamãna Ãthaguntha.
    12. Gopinãth Mohãnty—Dãnãpani.
  • Short Story :
    13. Surendra Mohãnty—Marãlara Mrityu.
    14. Manoj Dãs—Laxmira Abhisãra.
  • Essay :
    15. Chittaranjan Dãs—Tranga O Tadit (First Five essays).
    16. Chandra Sekhar Rath—Mun Satyadharmã
    Kahuchhi (First five essays).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On UPSC CSE Optional Syllabus 

Question- What is the UPSC’s Annual Programme (Calendar) of Examinations/RTs (Recruitment Tests)?
Answer – The UPSC publishes an Annual Programme (Calendar) of all the Structured Examinations/RTs conducted by it at least 6 months in advance (i.e. in June) for the Examinations/RTs to be conducted during the next calendar year. The Programme is uploaded on the UPSC’s website as also published in the leading news papers of the country. The date of issue of Examination Notice for each Examination is also mentioned in this Annual Programme.

Question- What happens if a candidate submits multiple online applications?
Answer – While a candidate should avoid submitting more than one online application, in case of doing so, the data provided in the last application (highest RID Number), that is successfully submitted online, is accepted by the Commission. All previous applications are ignored as these are amalgamated with the last completed & finally submitted application. If an applicant (who has already submitted an application successfully) wants to
make amendments in the application, then he has to submit a fresh application on or before the last date of submission of application of the Examination. Therefore, it must be ensured that fee is submitted against the
last online application only, which should also be complete in all respects including its final submission. Fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID number

Question- What action is taken by the Commission in case of submission of false information by the candidates?
Answer – A candidate found to be furnishing false information to the Commission or suppressing information, adopting various unfair means in the Examination like impersonation, cheating, etc., is liable to be disqualified
and/or debarred from writing UPSC Examinations as decided by the Commission. A detailed stipulation in this regard is incorporated in the Rules of Examination/ Examination Notices.

About The Author

Birm Gehlot

Hello, I am Birm Gehlot I am Full Time Blogger Content Creator at HelpstudentPoint.com Website. I have 12+ years experience in Digital Marketing and Content Creation in various fields like Govt Job, Exam Syllabus, Career News, Exams Preparation etc

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