Rajasthan Art & Culture
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख दुर्ग
- राजस्थान के संत एवं संप्रदाय
- राजस्थान के मेले एवं रीति रिवाज
- राजस्थान के चित्रकला एवं चित्र शैली
- राजस्थान के लोक देवता
- राजस्थान के लोक देवियां
- राजस्थान के लोक नृत्य नाटक , लोकगीत
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख ग्रंथ
- राजस्थान के तीज त्यौहार
- राजस्थान के हस्तकला
- राजस्थान के आभूषण
- राजस्थान की भाषाएं बोलियां
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख साहित्य
- प्रमुख महल
- पर्यटन विकास
Rajasthan History
- राजस्थान के प्राचीन सभ्यता स्थल
- जनपद काल
- राजस्थान के इतिहास के स्रोत
- मुगल और राजपूत
- चौहान राजवंश
- कछवाहा राजवंश
- राठौड़ राजवंश(मारवाड़ का इतिहास)
- बिकानेर का इतिहास
- मेवाड़ राजवंश
- 1857 की कृति
- प्रजामंडल आंदोलन
- आदिवासी विद्रोह /किसान आंदोलन
- राजस्थान के जन जातियों आंदोलन
- स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व
- अभिलेख
- राजस्थान का एकीकरण एव रियासतें
Rajasthan Geography
- राजस्थान का सामान्य परिचय
- राजस्थान की स्थिति एवं विस्तार
- राजस्थान का भौगोलिक विभाजन
- राजस्थान की भोतिक विशेषता
- राजस्थान की प्रमुख चोटियां
- राजस्थान की प्रमुख पहाड़िया ,दर्रे
- राजस्थान का पूर्वी मैदान
- बनास बेसिन
- हाड़ौती का पठार
- राजस्थान की जलवायु
- राजस्थान का जल संसाधन , जल संरक्षण
- राजस्थान का कृषि एवं फसलें
- राजस्थान का पशुधन
- राजस्थान कि मिठिया
- राजस्थान की नदियां
- राष्ट्रीय पार्क एवं वन्य जीव अभ्यारण
- राजस्थान के उद्योग
- राजस्थान के ऊर्जा संसाधन
- राजस्थान के जल विद्युत परियोजना
- राजस्थान के परिवहन
- राजस्थान के खनिज संपदा
- राजस्थान के जनसंख्या साक्षरता
- राजस्थान के पर्यटन क्षेत्र
Current Affairs of Rajasthan
- Major Current Events and Issues of State (Rajasthan), National and International
- Importance
- Persons and Places in recent news
- Games and Sports related Activities
General Science
- General Ability
- Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
- Decision Making and Problem Solving.
- General Mental Ability.
- Basic Numeracy – Numbers and Their Relations, Orders of Magnitude, Etc. (Class X Level)
- Data Interpretation – Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data Sufficiency, Etc. (Class X Level)
- Mental Ability: Decision making and Problem-solving. Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, Major developments in the field of Information Technology.
- Data Interpretation – Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data sufficiency etc. (10th level)
Unit 1: Pedagogy
Unit 2: Fundamentals of Computer
- Number system
- arithmetic operations
- introduction to various categories of computer language
- functional details of Input and Output devices
unit 3: Programming Fundamentals
- C
- C++
- Java
- DotNet
- Artificial Intelligence (Al)
- Machine learning
- Python and Block Chain.
programming data types (Built in and user defined)
- Scope of variables
- precedence of operators
control flow
- functions
- arrays
- structures and unions
- enumerated data-types and file handling
- command line arguments.
Unit 4:Object Oriented Programming using C++ and JAVA
- Objects and classes
- Inheritance
- event and exceptions handling
- files and streams.
Unit 5: Data structures and Algorithms
- Abstract data types
- Arrays as data structures
- linked list v/s array for storage
- stack and stack operations
- queues
- binary trees
- binary search trees
- graphs and their representations
- sorting and searching
- symbol table.
Unit 6: Algorithms
- Tree traversals
- Branch and bound and greedy methods
- complexity of algorithms.
Unit 7: Digital Logic Systems
- Boolean expressions
- K-maps
- TTL and CMOS logic families
combinational logic design using halt full adders
- Sub tractors
- and multiplexer
- synchronous
sequential system design
Unit 8: Computer Organization and Architecture
- Von-Neumann architecture of computers
- Registers and micro operations
- control logic
- processor addressing and bus organization
- Processor input/ output and DMA.
- Memory organization and cache coherence.
Unit 8: Operating Systems
- CPU scheduling
- Deadlocks
- Memory management
- file systems
- disk scheduling
- Concept of Client server architecture in distributed environment and RPC
- Process, threads and their synchronization Real Time OS:
- clock synchronization and task scheduling
- System initialization
- booting and handling user accounts
- Backup and restore
- Boume shell programming for Linux.
Unit 8: Database Management System
- E-R models
- Relational algebra
- calculus and databases
Integrity constraints
- triggers
- normalization
- and indexing
- Transaction processing
- concurrency control and
- Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Unit 9: Software Engineering
- Phases of System Development Life Cycle System modeling
- Software requirement specifications and DFDs
- Introduction to software testing, software project management.
Unit 10: Data and computer networks
- Evolution of Networking
- Data Communication terminologies
- Transmission media
- Network devices
- TCP/IP & OSI/ISO reference models
- functions of different layers
- characteristics of physical media
- multiplexing in physical layer
- medium access protocols
introduction to 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, 802.11 LAN technologies
- IP protocol including routing and congestion control
- TCP and UDP, DNS.
Unit 12: Network Security
- Groups
- rings and fields in finite space
- Euler and Fermat’s theorem
primality testing
- security services and mechanisms
- symmetric and asymmetric encryption
including DES, AES, IDEA, RSA algorithms
- key management in symmetric and asymmetric
- message authentication and hashing
- email security,
- viruses and trusted systems
- Networking (LAN&WAN)
- Security
- Ethical Hacking
Unit 13: Basics of communication
- Channel capacity
- attenuation
- communication impairments
- propagation of EM waves through free space (excluding free space models)
- PCM and delta modulation
- brief introduction to GSM and CDMA based communication systems.
Unit 14: Web Development:
- Web Page Authoring Using HTML
- Document Object
Model Concept and Importance of Document Object Model
- Dynamic HTML document and Document Object Model
- Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Basic of PHP and Java Script