A.) VMOU Degree Programmes List 2023 :-
1.) Bachelor of Science (Pass)
2.) Bachelor of Science (Bridge Course)
3.) Bachelor of Library & Information Sciences
4.) Bachelor of Journalism (Mass Communication)
5.) Bachelor of Computer Applications
6.) Bachelor of Commerce (Pass)
7.) Bachelor of Commerce Preparatory Programme
8.) Bachelor of Business Administration
9.) Bachelor of Arts (Pass)
10.) Bachelor of Arts Preparatory Programme
B.) VMOU KOTA PG Courses List 2023:-
1.) Master of Arts
2.) Economics (Maec)
3.) Education (Maed)
4.) Gandhi and Peace Studies (Magp)
5.) Hindi (Mahd)
6.) Political Science (Maps)
7.) Rajasthani (Marj)
8.) Sanskrit (Masa)
9.) English (Maeg)
10.) Public Administration (Mapa)
11.) History (Mahi)
12.) Sociology (Maso)
13.) Master of Commerce (Mcom)
14.) Master Computer Science (Msccs)
15.) Master of Arts/science in
16.) Mathematics (Ma/mscmt)
17.) Geography (Mage/msc.ge)
18.) Master of Journalism (Mass Communication) Mj (Mc )
19.) Master of Library and Information Science (Mlis)
C.) Vmou Kota Certificate Courses List 2023 :-
1.) Aids and Family Education (Cafe)
2.) Apabhransha Language (Cal)
3.) Application Software and Web Designing (Cawd)
4.) Awareness of Gandhian Method (Cpgm)
5.) Computer Accounting (Cca)
6.) Computer Networking and Internet (Ccni)
7.) Computing (Cic)
8.) Culture and Tourism (Cct)
9.) Disaster Management (Cdm)
10.) Distance Education (Cde)
11.) Food and Nutrition (Cfn)
12.) Functional English (Cfe)
13.) Functional Rajasthani (Cfr)
14.) Legal Awareness for Women (Claw)
15.) Mahatma Gandhi Nrega Mate (Cpnm)
16.) Obstetrics Assistance (Coa)
17.) Osteopathy (Cos)
18.) Panchayati Raj Project (Cprp)
19.) Prakrit Language (Cpl)
20.) Programming in C++ and Java (Cpcj)
21.) Rajasthani Language and Culture (Crlc)
22.) Salesmanship and Marketing (Csm)
23.) Tourist Guidance (Ctg)
24.) Vb and Dot Net (Cpvb)
25.) Computer Awareness and Training Programme for Beginners (Ctb)
D.) VMOU KOTA Diploma Courses List 2023 :-
1.) accounting Management (Dam)
2.) Computer Accounting (Dca)
3.) Computer in Office Management (Dcom)
4.) Culture and Tourism (Dct)
5.) Library and Information Science (Dlis)
6.) Nutrition and Health Education (Dnhe)
7.) Poultry Management (Dpm)
8.) Social Problems of Rajasthan (Dspr)
9.) Tourism Management (Dtm)
10.) Watershed Management (Dwsm)
E.) VMOU PG Diploma Courses List 2023 :-
1.) Computer Application (Pgdca)
2.) Environment and Sustainable Development (Pgdesd)
3.) Gandhian Non-Violent Conflict Resolution (Pgdgn)
4.) Labour Laws, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (Pgdll)
5.) Tourism and Hotel Management (Pgdth)
6.) Water Resource Management (Pgdwr)
F.) VMOU Doctoral Programmes List 2023
1.) Commerce
2.) Economics
3.) Education
4.) History
5.) Library Science
6.) Political Science
G.) VMOU Management Programmes List 2023:-
1.) Master of Business Administration
2.) Marketing Management (Pgdmm)
3.) Human Resource Management (Pgdhm)
4.) Financial Management (Pgdfm)
I.) VMOU M. Phil List 2023
1.) Economics (Mpec)
2.) English (Mpeg)
3.) Geography (Mpge)
4.) Hindi (Mphd)
5.) History (Mphi)
6.) Library and Information Science (Mpls)
7.) Political Science (Mpps)
8.) Sanskrit (Mpsa)